Would you divorce?

I’ve been dealing with the same issues with my husband for 10 years now. He has a porn addiction. And he has physically cheated on me with a prostitute (“blow job” he says it’s all that happened), during a time I left him because of all the problems we were having. I forgave him and he said he has changed or whatever. He supposedly had given up porn for 6 months ever since he started a program for Christians which included an app that would send me screenshots of his phone activity. Well we had to cancel the app because they made our bank overdrawn and guess who started up the porn again? Yup. I found stuff on his phone after having a feeling that he has been lying to me and sneaking around doing bad stuff.

Broken is an understatement for how I’m feeling. I’m dead inside and I feel like I can’t do this with him anymore. I feel like I’m living with a liar and a cheater and he’s never going to change. I’ve given him so many chances and the reason I’m still with him is our baby, I don’t want him to grow up without his dad. But I’m really considering divorce now especially because he doesn’t try harder to get rid of this addiction. He doesn’t understand how devastating it is for me to go through this over and over. The pain he’s caused in me is horrific. I’m at the lowest point in my life.

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