Trying to start fresh

I failed 3 classes this quarter (I'm a junior in highschool) and I've been talking to this guy over a game who said he was 20. He accidentally gave out his full name, I bet he hoped I wasn't listening so clearly to him. But I searched him up and he's actually 28. I don't blame him for my grades (I'm normal a straight a or most a student) but I do know having someone who lies about themselves for the almost 2 years we have been talking everyday for is not healthy for my mindset. He is a genuine man and really sweet and funny but he knows I'm too smart to fall for a guy so much older than I am. I said goodbye to him today and he accepted it because he knows what he did was wrong but I could tell that it broke him and I can't blame him. So I'm staying offline for a bit and focusing on school a bit more. This whole experience makes me want to cry so much but I know it's best. Buttt if anyone wants to assure me that a relationship between a 16 and 28 year old can work I'll take it gladly as an excuse to go back to him😅. Good luck this year ladies