Desperate for advice. Don’t want to make the wrong decision.

So I am in high school. I am currently with my first love. We have been together for about two and a half years and I do love him very much although a lot of times we do fight and don’t get along very well and I also have trust issues that impacts him and ultimately can make us both pretty miserable. It has gotten to the point where I am over it. When I go to people for advice everyone says I should break up with him but it is extremely hard. I still love him and care about him and I know I would be an emotional wreck if we broke up. When I am talking about it with other people I feel like I should leave and how much relief I would feel but the second he calls or texts me or I see him my heart breaks because I still love him. Is that a sign that deep down I truly want to stay with him or am I just blinded by love?