IVF cycle cancelled , what now?

D • 29. Married. TTC #1 since Feb.2018

I was so excited. After 2 years TTC, I was finally ok with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

I did everything I was suppose to.

Today was Day4 into my injections, I went in for my blood test like any other day and was so optimistic.

A few hours later, the Dr. called me. I knew it’s as bad the second I answered, all our communication is usually via portal messages.

Said my estrogen was at 1400, when it should be at 400-600.

She said it would be best to cancel this cycle since I’m paying out of pocket and she doesn’t feel that the money would be worth it this cycle and wouldn’t yield great results.

I’m devastated. I was finally getting excited again, finally getting hope. She wants to change the dosage next cycle to avoid this..