Egg retreival

🌠 Nirmi 🌠 • 4 IUI ❌. 1st IVF cancelled. 2nd IVF ➡️ retreival + fresh transfer ➕ ➡️ anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd IVF retreival ➡️ 0 Blasts

Hello ladies.

For those who had egg retrieval can you share your experience and also answer few questions please

I am supposed to trigger today and I am scheduled for egg retrieval in two days. But the doctor is having me take a last dose of gonal f tonight and also triger tonight. And she stopped my orgalutran, I took my last orgalutran today in the morning. I am worried I might ovulate before retrieval by taking gonal f today and not take orgalutran tonight nor tomorrow ? Is there a chance for this to happen ?

Also any tips and preparations for before egg reteieval and after egg retreival ? What to expect after egg retreival (pain wise bloating . Home remedies to help with symptoms ?)

Thank you ladies