We got into a really bad argument which resulted in him going to jail because our neighbors. I packed my things and moved out of our duplex but his truck was left there while he was in jail. I was full of emotion and heartbreak! I threw away half of his clothes, sold his shoes and poured sugar in his tank. I know.. I know.. I regret it now because we talked like adults for the first time yesterday over the phone for 3 hours and we saw each other today for the first time today since the incident a month ago. He knew I got rid of his things but he didn’t know about his truck. Now his truck is messing up really bad and I feel horrible. I want to come clean and tell him what I did but I’m sure that might set us back again. I’ve forgiven him for everything and now I feel bad because I’m over the whole fight that we had. Should I take this secret to the grave? He can barely drive his truck and get to work. What would y’all do? Get it fixed?