I know I should be happy


It's hard being happy for friends who have announced they are pregnant. I have a friend who just had her second baby week ago posting baby pics and a friend posted saying they finally got their adoption finalized for twin new borns so happy for both of them extremely happy and another friend posted announced having there 3rd boy which kind of bit hard I am truly happy but kind of feel defeated that even tho trying for #3 I'm still wondering if its gonna happen feeling like it wont. So was a bit hard to see that last announcement. I'm really starting to think this isnt my month at that last month something might have happened...I've been spotting today and yesterday and my af was last week. I've also been cramping. I dont know I've read you can spot during ovulation but you also can spot during implantation but I've read spotting after your period could mean a chemical miscarriage kinda making me feel like doctors dont actually really know so they put all the symptoms for everything lol. Anyways today was a hard day for me. Please try not to judge...