Asking for prayers for my first IUI


So I never really post, but enjoy the amount of posts as a whole. Today was the day, we had done <a href="">IUI</a>, the previous cycle was <a href="">IVF</a> retrieval, but only one viable egg ( 5 retrieved, 2 not mature, and the three that got fertilized only one BB), so the second cycle currently was only 1 maybe two follicles, but one for sure. I am curious about the potential for multiple or am I hearing wrong. Also, I am asking for prayers and maybe some guidance on how I should proceed. I have been told I can return to regular duties just not to extraneous and to stay away from sex for three days. I was a hormonal grouch and still am, I hope this two week wait comes fast but I am being optimistic, rambling of a going bonkers woman