Help Please..

So i started taking my first pack of birth control microgestin Fe 1/20 on tuesday the 7th of this month, (5 days after my period) me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 11th and he didnt tell me until the second week🤦🏾‍♀️ though i’ve been taken the pills at 9:00am everyday and have not missed a pill. Yesterday i took the last white hormone pill at 9:00am that morning though me and my boyfriend had sex today around 3:00ish AM and he cam in me again 😑 first he lied and said he didnt then i asked again and he said yes. So i only have my reminder pills left to take starting today and i dont get my next package of BC until the 31st. Am i still protected?? Will i end up being pregnant?? I feel like i took the pills correctly but still what do i do????? (Oh and yesterday i was suppose to get my period and i didnt start yet)