Baby wakes at 3:00 am every night recently

What do you all do when baby wakes in the middle of the night? Recently she’s been waking up around 3:00. And it takes foreverrrrr to get her back to sleep. She woke at 3:15 tonight. Wasn’t upset so I just left her for awhile to see if she’d go back to sleep it eventually turned into crying so I went to try to calm her. I put her back down and now she’s just playing again. It’s currently 4:30. She’s been doing this the past 5 nights or so.

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In this situation I’d just let my LO cry. He puts his self back to sleep 🤷‍♀️


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What time is her bedtime? Is she getting too much daytime sleep? How many naps? Bedtime routine?


M💙 • Jan 28, 2020
Yeah her routine looks good. The only thing I could suggest is putting her to bed at 7.00 instead. Sometimes if you try earlier it somehow works, as crazy as it sounds. I get lots of tips from takingcarababies. If the earlier bedtime doesn’t work, it could be a growth spurt or leap in her mental development. There is a leap round about right now. Ride it out! It won’t last forever 🥰


M • Jan 28, 2020
Went to bed at 7:30 last night. Her total daytime sleep is usually 2 1/2 hours. She takes 2 naps. We have a great bedtime routine and she’ll fall asleep fairly quickly. 🤷🏻‍♀️ so all this seems normal.


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Same here. Baby wakes up at 3 am. I get up to make him a bottle. We figured he gets hungry in the middle of the night. But now his wake up time is 7:30am.


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My lo was doing the exact thing. I discovered that by me picking her up it was too stimulating for her and made her stay away. If she started crying I would just go and give her her pacifier and lay her back down and then leave without saying anything or picking her up. After a few nights of doing that she stopped.


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I had a similar issue where my baby was waking up at 430 every morning. We pushed his bed time back from 7 to 630pm and he sleeps until 530 now. Google 'taking cara babies early waking' and she has a good blog post. Someone on here recommended it to me which is why I pushed his bed time earlier.