Should I still go to doctor after ER?

I've been having a consistent issue for the past two with my lymph nodes. my left armpit one is swollen, but what's the issue is that the vessel connecting my armpit lymph node in my elbow one, is swollen and cold really tight to where you can see it on the outside. Like a chord. I went to the ER last night because it's been 2 weeks and I also feel like I'm fighting off a cold. I was advised by an online Doctor to seel ER CARE to be safe.

They didn't X-ray and an ultrasound, they were looking for blood clots and they didn't find any. my concern is that they didn't even draw blood, they didn't take my pee, they didn't really test me for anything other than a blood clot in my arm. They gave me a steriod to boost my immune system and that's it. That just didn't sit right with me. I have a doctor's appointment today with my primary physician and i wasn't sure if i should still go, or trust the ER.

This particular ER did have a 2 star rating and all the comments said they were disorganized and didn't do thorough work.

like I said before, I have another type of ultrasound in doctor appointment schedule today, the ultrasound is to look at my non vascular system in my arm, which is different from how they look for clots.

I'm probably going to go, but in your opinion, do you think I'm worrying too much? Picture a tightly pulled strong connecting my armpit and my elbow..... it's bizarre! they ruled it off as just being swollen because I'm fighting off something, but it just seems so weird to me. I've had swollen nodes in the past, and nothing like this ever started growing

(Sorry for my hurts to continue shaving) but this "cord" runs all the way down to my elbow!