I’m pregnant. Omg. I’m pregnant.


As the headline suggests, yes I’m pregnant. And no this was sooooo not planned. I’m 31, have no children, my divorce was just finalized last October. I played the field for a few months, after being with the same jerk for 7 years. I’ve been seeing the same guy consistently since Christmas week. He’s honestly amazing and we click on a level that I didn’t even know was possible. He’s divorced and has a 3 yr old and 6 yr. Yes he wants more kids someday, but definitely not right now (we just had this convo last week 🤦‍♀️)

So I take birth control pills religiously. At some point in the beginning of January, I got sick a day or two from bad food, and just to be a 100% safe I took Plan B just in case I vomited up my regular pill. And yet, here I am, pregnant. I just found out yesterday. Totally freaking out here. How the heck with pills and the Plan B?! Guess you can just call me fertile Myrtle 😑 Dont get me wrong, I’ve always wanted to be a momma, but not when I wasnt married or in a long term relationship, not when I just started dating him. And I don’t even have health insurance. Ughh.

Yes I’m all over the place because I don’t know what to think or how to tell him or anything. Then I’m freaking out not knowing how far along I am. If I got preggo in January then he’s the only option. But if the doc tells me the baby is way older, I slept with one guy at the end of November, once, on the pill and with a condom. Plus I did get my period right before Christmas so I don’t think he’s an option really. But then I started reading how you can spot in the first few months, and my period was really light and last a day less than normal. FREAKING OUT. So I guess I’m really hoping it’s not the guy from November. We don’t even talk anymore and it was a drunken one night thing. But the guy I’m dating now is amazing.

Idk what I’m hoping to get from this post. Maybe just to know I’m not losing my mind and that this will be ok. Feel free to share your advice and thoughts!