What should I be looking for ?

This is my first cycle tracking bbt temperature, I do not have a special thermometer just a normal one but I'm in my luteal phase, day 11 to be exact. It seems I ovulated around day 17 but there was no dip beforehand . Around day 6 of my luteal phase I slowly dipped in temps for 2 days before just going a smidge of a degree below the line . But I did raise back up and it was been up and down since, but all above the line . My breasts are sore but this is also something that can appear when my period is on it's way, am all iam waiting to see is a dip below the line ? Or is there anything else I should be paying attention to.

I baby danced 3 days in a row, sometimes multiple times a day and used preseed and opks. I know that doesnt mean anything if for sure, just thought I'd add information. Thanks .