Help! Sudden inability to become aroused and/or orgasm

I’m hoping someone has some words of advice, or ideas of what to look into. I reached out to my doctors but I don’t feel like their responses were helpful. Over the past two months I’ve suddenly not been able to become aroused or orgasm. It has never been an issue before and it’s not a lack of desire but I’m struggling to pinpoint what is happening. I had my thyroid levels checked (my thyroid was removed a few years ago due to Graves’ disease) and that came back normal. Nothing else has really changed. My Ob’s response was to try changing it up and adding some excitement but we did that and it hasn’t really helped which leads me to believe there’s something else wrong. I’m 33, and have a 2.5 year old. Life is no more stressful than it has been but I did start exercising daily and eating better. Any thoughts or suggestions?