Succes getting pregnant while breastfeeding ?


Okay so I am currently breastfeeding my almost 10 month old son. I have 3 boys. My original plan was to try for a 4th baby in about 5 years but my husband has been pretty adamant about no more babies. He suddenly tells me last night that we can try for our 4th but we are gonna start trying now because he doesn’t see him self in 5 years having a brand new baby. Problem is, I haven’t gotten my cycle back yet. My son sleeps most of the night with maybe one nursing session during the night. During the day he nurses about 4 or 5 times and eats solid foods and drinks whole milk. I figured my cycle would have returned by now but it hasn’t. Has anyone successfully gotten pregnant before their period had returned while still breastfeeding? I feel like if we start trying now before my cycle returns I’m gonna drive myself crazy taking tests since I don’t really know when I should be testing 🤣