Losing Hope

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for over 6 years now. We have both been through testing and no one can find anything wrong with either one of us. I did have a miscarriage in 2014 and had to have a D&C because we could not get the fetus to pass on its own or with medication... I have tried chlomid but it gives me awful mood swings so my doctor no longer recommends it for me... she is now thinking I may have endometriosis, even though I don't have many symptoms. She says I can have surgery to confirm the diagnosis and possibly another surgery to remove whatever they find (if they find anything at all), but that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with us getting pregnant in the long run... I've always wanted to be a mother. It's all I have thought about growing up. Everyone around me is pregnant or having babies and it is truly killing me. This has caused non stop anxiety for me and at sometimes I wonder what the point of even living life is if I will never have children. I am completely lost... I'm just struggling a lot right now and don't know where to go from here.