I just wanted it to be real


I'll try to sum up as quick as possible.... I was with a man for 3 years one day he told me he didnt love me anymore messed me up wondering what I did wrong felt like I wasn't good enough all that. 6 months later a man at my work started talking to me told me how beautiful I was how funny I was made me feel so special.... 3 months later he was a whole different man.... told me what to wear who to talk to what to do I knew he didnt love me I just wanted to beleive it when he said he did I just wanted to feel loved and wanted. Grew to him barely giving me attention I would do anything just to get a hug kiss or sweet word when he saw I was getting fed up he would be like he was in the begging for about a week then go right back to treating me like nothing. finally broke up with him. He turned into an even bigger psycho hit me choked me. I really dont even think that counts as a relationship we had sex and I spent money on him that's about it 2 actual dates in a year barely ever saw each other if we did it was basically sex and him watching tv ignoring me for maybe an hour. I was telling a "friend" of mine how lonely I feel and I'm trying to find the line between "knowing my worth" and being so afraid of being hurt I'll be single forever he said" you've barely even been single" I said" you think that counts as a relationship? He didnt give a shit about me we didn't spend time together he was just using me" and his reply " you knew what you were doing" is it wrong of me to be like super pissed he said that? Also why would I even let myself go through that?? I knew I wasnt happy I knew that's not what love was but I couldn't leave.