Baby Number Two

Mia • Wife & Mommy 👪 💙joey💙

My son will be 7 in two weeks and he wants for his birthday is a baby brother or sister (which has actually been his wish for his last 3 birthdays 😞). My husband and I didn’t want to rush to try to have a second after our son was born, I was afraid of being overwhelmed. Well if I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t have hesitated. We have been trying for baby #2 for well over 2yrs now. I’ve had the lab work done and everything seems fine and have done 3 rounds of Clomid with no success. I was really hoping it would “just happen” but it seems like I’m going to have to see a fertility doctor. Just wondering if it has taken a lot of other mama’s out there so long to get pregnant the second time around?