Molar Pregnancy - Methotrexate Shot????


Just a brief explanation:

- Dec.13 found out at 11w appointment my baby stopped growing at 8w.

- Dec 14 had d&e procedure was told I bled much more than normal and almost had a blood transfusion.

- after the procedure I bled for 3w straight

- had 10 days of no blood

- had what i though was maybe my period returning (still have faint pos pregnancy tests)

- Jan 20 had HCG test and was at 223

- Jan 27 had HCG test and was at 211

- Today, Jan 28, had a follow up dr appointment. They did an ultrasound and tech said possible retained product and endometrium is not cleared out. Dr looks at everything and tells me the tissue that was removed during my d&e points to a negative for molar pregnancy. However, my body is not releasing the HCG much like a molar pregnancy would. He said to go get another HCG test Feb14 and come in to review on Feb18. He advised of my HCG is not below 100 by Feb 14 then he is going to treat me the way he would a molar pregnancy. He reviewed the methotrexate shot and how it's a form of chemotherapy that will make all folate stop and force the HCG out. He did say 6 months from the date I would get the shot we can not try again and until HCG is at 0 and remains at 0.

I am terrified. Have any of you gone through this? Results? Were you able to conceive again naturally and have a healthy pregnancy and baby????