Is it wrong to miss your ex randomly

Sometimes I’ll have a dream about my ex after forgetting that the guy even exists and then remember some parts of our relationship and stupidly kinda miss it. Then I have a moment where I’m like... we were never meant to be together and like accept that it’s okay to miss something and then get over it two seconds later. I realize that there are good, even better things in my current relationship now that I’d certainly miss more like I never let myself even consider wanting my ex because #1 ew

#2 he is not even the same person that I am missing and hasn’t been that person and will never be him again. I miss something that no longer exists.

It does not happen often. It’s like once in a blue moon where I have a dream and then some feelings for a day and then I move on. My life is good, my relationship is good. I need nothing from anyone else. But I feel really guilty that I have these moments. I do not think it’s inherently wrong to miss something you once held dear but if you look at it from the perspective of me being in a totally different relationship maybe it is wrong?

I don’t know what happened to that comment but no, I do not tell my so that I dreamed about my ex. It’s not like I can help what I dream about.