What is going on?!

So I am currently 17 days past when my period was due. I took multiple HPT before my period was due and got mostly BFN but then got what looked like two vvfl on an FRER and store brand (w/ blue dye) on consecutive days. I know both of those have a history of false positives though so because I wasn’t getting any stronger tests I figured I probably wasn’t pregnant. I also got a positive on an OPK a few weeks before when my period was due. Flash forward to tonight when again I got positives on 3 different OPKS, one of which is digital, but also got a negative on another more advanced digital. Like what in the world is happening in my body?! We are currently ttc baby number 2 and I just started getting my period back in Sept and our son is 17 months, for reference. I sometimes have had longer periods in the past but never this long (51 days!) and have never been diagnosed with PCOS or anything... So basically, I’m wondering if anyone has ever had anything similar happen and if so what was the result. I’m some how hoping against hope I could still be pregnant, or become pregnant off this LH surge, but have no idea. I’m schedule to see a midwife tomorrow so hopefully I’ll be getting some blood tests done that can give me some answers. Below are pictures of what seemed like positive HPT on 1/8 and 1/9 and then my positive LH tests and negative LH test today.

And thank you if you read this far!