I live out of state with my husband. We had went on a little vacation, and packed some “toys” 😉 to...yanno.

One of which being a vibrator. We did indeed have fun. Wellll... a week later my dad came down to take me back to my home state for a little while. As him and my male cousin are packing my bags into the car, I realize that I never emptied said bag that contained all of the toys in it from my vacation...

Before I could get to it, they had picked it up and THE FUCKING VIBRATOR TURNED ON!!! My dad yelled “Hey, I think your “”back massager”” is going off🤣...” and him and my cousin died laughing meanwhile I fucking sprinted down the stairs like my dogs life depended on it.

I grabbed the now vibrating bag, sprinted back upstairs while it was still vibrating, and went and hid in my room and cried out of embarrassment. My husband came in the room and asked me what was wrong, I was in so much shock that the bag was still vibrating. So as tears are running down my face, I hold out the vibrating bag. He doesn’t pick up the what’s going on yet, so I pull out the vibrator and point it at him and just start bawling. This mf says “is it that time of the month?! Why tf are you crying over a vibrator???😂” all I can manage to say is “my dad...was carrying out my stuff...and” THIS MF DIES LAUGHING

Idgaf that I’m married and moved out, this shit was still embarrassing as hell. And I had to suffer this awkwardness for a 15 hour road trip...

Rip me.