Caught my husband in the act

This morning in my half awake half asleep state I could hear some weird sounds... At first I thought it was coming from the TV but soon realised it was actually coming from my husbands bedside table.

He had been watching YouTube the night before and had his wireless headphones on...

I held them up to my ear and omg it was a man and a woman going at it 😂 you guys my husband was watching porn in the shower and had no idea I knew 😂😂😂 I can’t stop laughing thinking about it 😂😂😂

We just found out our 6th round of <a href="">fertility treatment</a> had failed and to be honest it’s been draining. 3 years of infertility sometimes all you wanna do is tickle the pickle yourself y’all know?

I love this man so much it hurts. Never ceases to crack me up 😂😂