Vomit after falling off the bed

Hey guys,

On Monday my baby fell off the bed during his nap time. I didn’t see it happen, but as soon as I heard him cry I ran to go get him. He was in a belly down position. I checked for bumps,redness,dents or any soreness/pain and he had nothing. As I was rubbing and pressing on his back for pain check he did throw up. He was also still sleepy since he didn’t get to finish his nap so I decided to take him to the ER. The Dr released us, because while we waited to be seen (6hours) he went back to his normal self. No more vomiting he was playing and screaming as usual. Eating just fine and sleeping/waking up fine. The next day he was fine with the exception of increased fussiness before his nap/bed time. I made the mistake of googling things and now I’m worried. Has anyone had a similar experience?