Baby won’t nap

My daughter is 8 1/2 months old. She will only nap on me. I’ve tried everything possible nothing works. Someone please tell me there in the same boat? I’m over tired and just feel like shit as I don’t get any sleep or me time. I love my daughter to pieces and love being a stay at home mom. But not having even 5 minutes to myself in a day really is starting to affect me. I can barley get dressed or wash my face, brush my teeth. Nevermind dishes, meal prep, clean up etc. Any advice or ideas would be great. People have told me to hire/see a sleep consultant but I do not have $$ for that. So any advice or tips would be kindly appreciated. I’ve tried putting her down drowsy, asleep, rocking her to sleep. No matter what she wakes up as soon as I oht her in her crib. If she goes down awake she cries bloody murder and starts hyperventilating and choking. I have tried a white noise machine, completely darkness. I will stay in the room also that doesn’t make a difference. I have also tried putting her down earlier to see if that helps. I have a bedtime/nap routine also. Someone save meeeeee