Still deciding but kind of already know what to do...

UPDATE: I WANT TO DO IT BUT IM SCARED HE WILL BE PISSED AND FURIOUS AND HATE ME! Bc he wants the baby so bad but I don’t think either one of us are ready mentally or financially at all ! Do I tell him I’m making the appointment?? Idk I feel okay with my decision but I don’t know if he will.

I found out a week ago that I’m pregnant. I’m currently in a “relationship” with my ex. We got back together after being broken up for about a month or so. Long story short. He really stresses me out with how he is. He has cheated and it’s extremely hard to trust him. He’s sooooo excited about this baby but I’m not at all. I’m stressed and overwhelmed bc before the baby I didn’t even know if I still wanted to be with him bc of trust issues. I really have considered having an abortion since I found out . I think about it everyday. I don’t feel attached to this baby at all. I mean I’m only a few weeks but seriously I’m not at all excited about this. I do love him but I don’t really trust him right now. So I’m considering trying to fix this relationship but either way I don’t want this baby right now. I mean my mind is kind of made up. But I work and go to school all day every day so I have no time to even schedule an appointment. The nearest clinic is like an hour away.