I think my teen sister might be pregnant

The other day my sister was helping me put food into containers because i had made way too much food and I’m on weight loss medication, woke up hungry and made food and ate like 4 bites and was full blah blah but she was completely fine one moment and then another moment she knocked everything off the counter on accident and went running to the bathroom and threw up. I was like ??u okay? And she said she thought so. I just thought maybe she’s sick or it was anxiety. After she threw up she was fine and just went back to helping me out so I pinned it on anxiety because I know she has it.

This was nearly 2 weeks ago or like a week and a half and it happened again today. She’s been complaining of nausea off and on and my mom offered to take her to the doctor for it and she said no and I noticed that she hasn’t opened the boxes of tampons my mom bought for her well over a month ago. I asked her about it and she said “just haven’t needed them.” Like it was nothing. She’s been MIA a lot because she’s been sleeping a whole bunch too. If she’s not at school or after school activities she’s hibernating or briefly waking up to eat and drink and shower.

I feel rude but tell me wouldn’t it cross your mind too? It really felt suspicious when she was adamant about not being taken to a doctor. She asked me randomly the other day what going to the gynecologist was like and if it hurt, which isn’t exactly out of the ordinary for a 16 yr old to wonder but still. I don’t want to put her on the spot and make her feel guilty or something.