I broke down today

I am about three days late now. I only ever been late once which was only for 2 days . I usually know when my period is coming. So I decided to take a pregnancy test today and it came out negative. When I came into the room I was bummed but then my husband looked at me and I start balling my eyes out and he held me. Told me baby it’s okay even tho to me it’s not. We have been trying for 3 years and nothing happen. I feel less of a women every month when I get my monthly. But lately For the past week I have been feeling out of balance. But he made me even cry more because he said no matter how much we try something will happen for us he said once it’s our turn it will be a blessing. He told me I was the love of his life and nothing will ever change that. He held me tight till I stopped crying and he made me feel so warm and happy. My husband supports me thought everything and I hope this year is our year! Please send me a baby my way this year. I know there is other options to have a baby it is a option but today I just had that feeling I need to take a test. But it just wasn’t it. I am not going to stop trying I am going to keep going but on the way we will be doing options of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, adoption, foster care. We have talked about it. Which I am fine with.