3 babies in a row?!?

Celeste • ❤️🔮

Ok so I’m slightly freaking out because I think I’m pregnant for the 3rd time in a row.

One 2 year old , 10 month old and now a possible newborn on the way truuly has me shook. I’m experiencing a lot of the same symptoms I did during pregnancy, a few I ONLY get when pregnant

A bitch is biting her nails like shit shit shit shit. My man is gonna be SHOOKETH. We’ve been super cautious. Condoms, lube, and plan b when the condom breaks.

So HOW ... like who can I sue.

TBH .... I need to confirm but I’m not ready just yet. Really just need somewhere to vent so off to Glow I came 😩

Please y’all

Send help