
Do you ever just feel like you're downing in the weight of all the parenting things? My husband held our baby for ten minutes this evening while I got dinner ready, and then got mad when I wasnt ready to go on time. My hair still in crazy knots. He said he didn't understand why I want ready when he'd "taken care of the baby and everything" it was seriously ten minutes while the oven preheated and I put the freaking pizza in the oven, and during that time I had to bring him everything he needed because he can never do a freaking thing if he's holding the baby. He can't even get off the couch and walk to the recliner to pick up the spit rag, "because he's holding the baby and why don't I just do it for him" ?!?!?!? Seriously?!?! Am I the only one who finds that completely ridiculous?! Any time he ever hold the baby, he literally will not move to do anything I have to do everything for him, so I'm not really getting any help!!!! I put together an entire utility sink WHILE BREASTFEEDING and he can't even walk four steps to get a spit rag. Yet he expects me to have dinner ready, have myself ready, and have the baby ready to go at exactly the time he wants to go. Sometimes I just want to throw things at him.

But I rarely have 😏😝 mostly just pillows🙄