Lightened corners of lips

So a couple of months ago I noticed that the outside of my mouth, around the corners and the bottom, were lighter and not my normal skin color. I thought it might’ve been because I was using a different lip balm than usual (Carmex), so I stopped using it and went back to the one I usually use (blistex). How ever since I’ve stopped using it, I thought the skin or the color would go back to my original color, but nothing has happened and now I’m worried that it’s permanent. I wanna also add that another reason why I stopped using the Carmex was because the corner of my lips started to crack bad to the point to where I had cuts on the corner of my lips. So I don’t know if anyone else has had an issue like this but any advice is helpful. I just wanna fix it because it’s making me feel a bit self conscious as I’ve never had any issues with my face. Thanks in advance 😊

I added pictures for reference.

This one is the before

And this one how it looks now