So proud, but worried Trigger warning: sexual assault

So my husband confided in me a few years ago telling me about how he was sexually assaulted by a sports coach of his when he was younger. He never told anyone about it because he was embarrassed. He didn’t want to talk much about it at the time, he said it doesn’t effect his life, he just didn’t want any secrets with me.

Fast forward to a few days ago, this coach of his was just arrested for sexually assaulting a boy on his team. My husband saw the article and I could see him going through some emotions about it. He decided to take the step to call the detective assigned to the case and let him know that this was not a one time event and that this man had assaulted him 15+ years prior.

My husband says he feels relief knowing that he wasn’t over reacting thinking it was abuse all of those years ago.. and he’s relieved that he wasn’t crazy. He also said he’s relieved this man got caught and will hopefully get what’s coming to him.

I’m so proud that he made the decision to speak up, even though he knows his statue of limitation has long passed. I’m proud that he’s acknowledging that this happened. I’m also worried that this will bring about a lot of emotions and feelings that he never allowed himself to feel before.

I just want to be there for him, but I’m not sure how.