Time off work for antenatal appointments.


Long winded post, sorry in advance. I got put onto a set of antenatal classes my hospital advises you to go to last year, but my work told me I would have to take the time off as holidays, so I had to tell my hospital I couldn't go to them. Fast forward to now, I found out from my midwife, work legally have to let me have time off for them. I contacted my manager (who told me I had to use holiday last year) and they said that yes I am allowed out for them but only if they suit the business needs. Now I work every Saturday and it's our busiest day HOWEVER since I am closer to my due date and these classes are based on how many weeks pregnant you are, the only set of them I can now go to are on Saturdays and that's starting a week late. (Had they told me last year I was allowed out I could have gone on Monday afternoons but they are now not available). My work has now requested a letter on headed paper from my midwife to basically prove these are the only available classes to me. This has honestly been causing me so much stress, I actually cried down the phone to the hospital receptionist. My hospital are mortified my work has done what they have and they have agreed to write me a letter (I haven't got it yet and it's been a week so I'm still freaking out). I really just want some input on this from other mums, am I being stupid? Do I need legal advice? Are my employers allowed to do this? TIA 💕 any opinions welcome, even if it's just to tell me I'm daft 😂 I should say I'm in N.I so I don't know if we are different to England 🤷🏼‍♀️