Possible iscarriage or yeast infection?

This is definitely TMI but I am 6 weeks and 2 days, and Tuesday I had a transvaginal ultrasound. The gel she used felt like it was irritating/burning my vagina. The next day, I see I have symptoms of a yeast infection so I called my OB/GYN and was told to use an OTC treatment. I went to the 2 stores that are around my house and they both didnt have the brand Monistat so I settled for the store brand (family dollar). I've used it before and it worked so I decided it shouldn't be a problem, right? Well today at work, I wiped and seen some blood. Then I looked down and theres blood on my underwear, also. This may seem weird but I took my pointer finger, stuck it up my vagina, and when i wiped my finger on the toilet paper, it looks more red and looks "stringy-ish". I know you're going to say "go to the er/dr) and I am. I just want to see if anyone else went through the same and what was the outcome?