Feeling you can’t get pregnant


Hey guys! This might be a little long but stick with me; I need some advice/opinions/experiences & you girls never let me down🙌🏻

My fiancé & I have been together over 5 years, engaged over 1 year; planning to elope at sometimes this year (yay). For reference I’m 21 (22 in May) & he’s 23. We’ve lived in our own place for going on 3 years now. We have our own new cars, pay our own bills, & have 2 dogs & a cat (the loves of my life). We’re doing good financially, both working full time at great companies & we’re financially as secure as we can be right now. Now, I do want to start trying for a baby soon. My fiancé wants to get out of our one bedroom condo first WHICH I totally agree with but I just have this overwhelming feeling that I won’t be able to get pregnant when/if we do start trying. I track my ovulation (kinda-ish) using this app so when I’m in my fertile window we either A.) use a condom of B.) he just pulls out but all the other weeks he doesn’t pull out at all. We’ve been doing this for months now & have been able to avoid pregnancy but we both obviously know it’s a risk each time. I’m at the point where I hope an “oops” does happen but feel like it maybe should have by now? I obviously would NEVER lie to him about when I’m ovulating. I’m just wondering what you guys think. Has anyone had this feeling then later on when you started TTC you couldn’t or did right away? I would just hate to feel this way, still wait on TTC then later down the line when we are 100% ready not be able to have a baby. Advice, reassurance & anything else is invited! Help a girl out ❤️