Light pink on and off spotting negative opks


Last three cycles range from 43-47 days, due to anovulatory cycles. This cycle i started out with brown spotting mixed with cm on cycle day 22, on cycle day 23 it was a light pink mixed with stretchy cm, and I'm now on cycle day 27 and I'm not spotting anymore but still have clear stretchy cm. I've been using opks since the first day of spotting two to three times a day and each time they're reading negative. The second day of spotting I had lower back pain that lasted a while. Haven't had any pain anywhere else since that day. Had sex on cycle day 21,24 and 25. Would this have been my ovulation due to the spotting and type of cm? Or could I have ovulated before this and this would've been my implantation spotting? Please someone give me some insights to this. I didn't track using opks the entire time bc I haven't ovulated in the past three cycles so I just wanted to relax.