Should husband help with night feedings while I’m on maternity leave?

I’m on maternity leave right now with my 9 week old daughter. I am doing all the night feedings, which I expected since my husband is working but I am really, really tired. I don’t expect my my husband to help during the work week, but I really want him to help out some weekends- not even the entire weekend, just a Friday or Saturday night. With our first I did all the feedings but my son was an awesome sleeper, sleeping thru the night by 6 weeks. My baby girl wakes up all night. She goes to bed at ten, then up at 12, then again at 230 then again at 5. And when she’s up at 5, she doesn’t go back to bed until 7, which doesn’t help because then my toddler is up for the day. My husband agreed to help out on weekends but he’ll do the 12 o’clock feeding- am I’m doing the rest! So pretty much I’m sleeping ten-2:30 then up again around 5. I just need a full night sleep!!! His arguments is that he’s tired from waking up all week for work. But he’s getting a full sleep during the week, I have a toddler so I am not sleeping when my baby is sleeping so I can’t nap during the day. Should he help or should it be all on me since I’m on maternity leave??