Oh man, I’m tired.

Ashley • Wife to the best husband. Mama to the sweetest babygirl. Expecting another sweet baby in July 2020. Fur mama to the best two puppies! Always trust in God ❤️💜

So, my sweet little girl moved into her big girl bed which is her crib without one crib wall so nothing too crazy of a change she did great her first couple of nights slept all the way through or only got up once and then went back to bed. It has been a week and the last three days she has woken up on the dot at 1:30 AM and cannot fall back asleep until 5 AM she just sits in her bed and plays with her blanket. She is teething pretty bad right now cause her molars just popped through which look like they hurt. But has any body else experiencing this? Could it be her bed? Or teeth? Or what? Lol just wondering if anyone else has this going on.