Baby name feelers...

Dev • ⭐️Diagnosed with bicornuate uterus.🤞🏼 Miraculously pregnant with first, due August 2020!❤️

It’s easier to ask strangers than family because they ALL have opinions...

Our last name is Mendenhall.

We don’t know the gender yet!

But currently we are looking at these names for boys:

Middle name: Benjamin (and Benjamin is for sure as it’s after a dear friend who passed)





For girls we have:

Middle name is Renee (for a family matriarch)





Let me know if you have any other cute ideas or which you like best!! We are going for unique first names but NOT unique spellings, if that makes any sense. We love anything inspired by nature or has a special meaning too!

We are very retro, artistic inspired as well!

We tried for two years and were told because of my condition we wouldn’t conceive but then we were blessed with a surprise! We can’t wait!! I’m 10 weeks on Monday!