Therapist told mom that i tried to get pregnant (16 years old)

So I found out I was pregnant in December, two weeks later found out it was ectopic and had to get all the shots and stuff and really struggled with that.

Well, my therapist wanted to have a one on one session with my mom a week after we found out, but she didn’t know I lost the baby because I hadn’t seen her since December, so I assume it was to talk about her with what to do on her part while I was pregnant and had a baby and how she could stay okay.

So my mom took that session and I asked her how it went and she said that my therapist thinks I tried to get pregnant because of how I reacted.

So I’m really pro life, I believe all life begins at conception and I’m 100% against getting an abortion. But I also know myself and know I wouldn’t be able to go through with an adoption. So me, trying to be mature, made plans with what I was going to do to get my life back on track even though I was gonna have a baby. And my mom and friends and boyfriend were SO supportive, so naturally I was okay with it. I definitely wasn’t happy about it, but I was okay with the fact it was happening if that makes sense.

So apparently this^^ means I tried to get pregnant.

I didn’t try. Me and my boyfriend are both to blame because we didn’t use protection and I wasn’t on birth control but what happened was he pulled out but not enough or something because he accidentally went back in and came.

That wasn’t completely my fault, we could’ve prevented the outcome, but I didn’t tell him to cum in me.

Well anyways, I lost the baby as an ectopic pregnancy.

Like I said, I’m so pro life so losing MY baby hurts so bad. The thing is though, since my therapist accused me of that I feel like I’m not allowed to be upset about it because that means I tried to make it happen.

But I’m really upset about it.