I’m starving my baby?!?


I exclusively breastfeed my 15 week old. He has a bottle several days a week when I go to work but other than that he’s on my boobie. My mother and MIL have been suggesting I give him some kind of cereal for months. Actually, since week two. Anyway, long story long my mom asked me tonight if I’ve given him cereal yet. I replied that I haven’t but I’ll discuss it with his doctor at his 4 mth visit. To which she replied, “Well, I’m glad I never starved you or your brothers. I gave my babies food.” This has hurt me so much because I’m just trying to do the right thing. I’m FTM and to my knowledge the only mommy in my immediate family to breastfeed exclusively. My question is 1. Am I starving him? He was 9.3 at birth and 14.8 when we went to the doctor a couple weeks ago. 2. How do you introduce cereal when the baby is breastfed? Thanks in advance. ❣️