Yall the poop is real


So yesterday I'm preparing to leave for church and am running around like crazy and go to get my 19mo dressed go to reach for a diaper and theres not one. Oh boy. Nope no more diapers so I steal the only 1 I have left from the diaper bag and run out the door. Go to Walmart and the only thing they have in the store that fits him is parents choice. So I get them and head to church. I get there and my 3mo had had a poopsplosion. I mean filled his diaper and outfit completely up. Took me 15min to get him changed.

Fast forward to today. I look over at my 19mo who is wearing the crappy parents choice diapers and poop is oozing out the top of his diaper. It was so bad I had to just strip him in the tub and spray him off.

Can we take a poop break please