
Kyra • Heart warrior mama of baby boy born 27 June 💙💙💙

I’m really struggling.

I have no confidence in my parenting.

Baby used to wake up 0-2x in his bassinet but from 5 months (7 now) he screamed the second we put him down. We tried cosleeping, and putting him in a crib and have ended up side caring the crib.

But he’s still waking constantly screaming even when we hold and rock or feed him. He just wants us to walk him around all night and it’s making me think I should have sleep trained instead.

He’s always been a snacky bottle feeder and after his surgery the doctors strongly suggested that we get him on at least a 3 hourly routine.

I tried that but then he was screaming because he couldn’t go to sleep without a bottle and my partner said to just feed him and as soon as I did he fell asleep so I feel like I was making my baby cry for no reason. So now we are back to snacking.

I don’t do any activities or anything because I’ve been so focused on his surgery and now it’s over I feel like I’ve been depriving him but that it’s also too late to start.

I’m tired and stressed.

My baby is constantly unhappy with me.

I just need support and advice.

I want my happy sleepy baby back.