Engaged to single ❤️


After 3 punches to my face and 2 knots on my head, I finally left. Things kept escalating over the last couple of months, but only a handful of people knew how bad it really was. So much goes on behind closed doors. I’m thankful for the ones that have believed me and supported me through these last few months. I was publicly humiliated & lies spread on social media, constantly put down and talked horribly to, arguing day in and day out, I wasnt “allowed” to hangout with my friends/family, I was completely tied down to my house, numerous physical altercations, & to top it off I found out he was doing heroine for the last 2 months as well. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve went through. Before he left my house, he cut up my clothes and broke most of my belongings. He also took the rest of my money that I was living on & paying bills with until i find a new job, roughly $2500. Even though things are bad right now, I’d rather deal with this than deal with everything I endured from him. So thankful for my life & finally realizing my worth. 💜

Today 💜