Should I Call My OB? UPDATE

Just • Mommy to Oliver

Hey all!

I’m trying to figure out if I should call my OB or to just suck it up. I’m 27+3 and I cannot stop throwing up. I haven’t had morning sickness since I hit 18 weeks so for me this is a little out of ordinary.

I cannot keep anything down, not even water. And I throw up every 2-3 hours. I fear it might be the flu but I’ve already had my flu shot and even if it is, should I call my OB? Like just in case for the baby? I feel like I call way too often and I’m too much of a worry wort.

Baby has decreased movements since getting sick but still passed the kick test so I maybe shouldn’t be worried? 🤷‍♀️ what do you y’all think?

Also my vomit has gone from yellow to green. Ew.


Called the OB and was sent to the ER. Hooked me up to some fluids and gave me Zofran (miracle drug imo). Will be continued to be monitored as my blood pressure is high and I’m having contractions caused by dehydration. But baby is going good and so am I.