I did think it was going to be today!


Well I am 39+2 currently in the hospital awaiting the arrival of our baby boy. These past few weeks I’ve had swelling in my legs and feet but normal bp at check ups so my doctor was never worried. Except yesterday I actually woke up to swollen ankles and feet that hurt luckily I work at the hospital too so I messaged my doctor about my symptoms and they suggested I come in to get checked and thankfully the tests for preeclampsia came back negative for no protein in my urine but my bp would not go down (140s/80) so they monitored me for 4 hours and they convinced me to stay because the whole time I kept having contractions for the first time ever. I’ve had my cervix checked twice and have always been closed but when the doc checked me here I was 1cm, so I knew something was up. We ended up starting cervadil last night around 10pm and at 6am my water broke and it was just like the movies loud and all over me and the floor lol. Contractions really picked up then making me 2.5cm dilated and they took out the cervadil, I really wanted to go natural but I had the sweats, shakes and threw up multiple times so I no longer decided to torture myself and I opted in for the epidural. A really good decision I must say because I am now able to get some sleep since starting the pitocin and my antibiotics for gbs+. I was really losing hope seeing all the February babies being born now but now that’s it’s happening to me it’s sooo surreal and I hope that by tonight I will have my done in my arms 🥰💙💙