12 days

Until I have court against my ex husband. Someone who has ran out my daughters life twice in the last five years. Someone who hasn’t seen her since last February. Someone who has always had supervised visitation and is coming after me for unsupervised. Someone who is a narcissistic pathological liar. Someone whose family has locked her in rooms to grill her about my personal life when she was FOUR. Someone whose family threatened to kill myself and my fiancé and kidnap my daughter. For the first time in a year my daughter told me she doesn’t want to see her father. (In the last year she’s never asked to see him either). I’m very anxious and nervous for this court date. I can’t allow a judge who knows nothing about my daughter other than what she’s read in my certification to throw my child to someone she doesn’t want to see. I’m losing sleep thinking about this every night!

Side note: my daughter will be 9 in March