How do you feel about your mixed baby?

herewegoagain • 👦3.2012~🧒9.2018~👶6.2020

Was wondering how having a mixed baby makes you feel. I have a white and latino baby boy and I actually have another one on the way. He looks NOTHING like mommy but I swear he has ALWAYS been my love. My mom asks every once in a while if I feel connected to him since he doesn't even look like he could even be my child. It never really crossed my mind at first but every once in a while (usually when we take selfies) I see what she means. However even though he looks nothing like me I couldnt feel disconnected from him. I also have another son he is Latino with Latino and same thing. I guess because I carried them I feel that connection and their looks dont affect me at all?

Picture of us to compare