Succesful line progression! ✅

Tara • Mama to 1 little girl. 👧🏻❤️ And 1 little boy. 👶🏼💙

Last month i had a chemical. So naturally this month when i got my first bfp at 11dpo i was so scared to get excited! I called my dr and informed him about it since i had just been to see him about my last cycle and he said he would be happy to check my beta levels for me as soon as i got another positive! So i called in and got my beta levels checked at 15dpo and then again at 17dpo and everything looks great number wise! I am a tad higher risk since my last pregnancy ended in preeclampsia, iugr, and then hellp syndrom. So i have an ultrasound next thursday and im super excited! Anyway thought id share my line progression with you all! It makes me so happy to see those lines so dark. 🥰