Question about blood clots during period

Ok, I figured I would weigh in with other women to see what it's all about. When I look up menstrual blood clots online, I get a lot of differing information. I hear blood clots are normal to have, they normally look kind of like globs of jelly, they're supposed to be bright red, then another source says dark red, small ones are ok, if they're bigger than a quarter it could mean something. 🤷 I'm just recently learning about this because sex ed apparently wasn't very thorough with me.

See, it's a bit weird for me because for years during my period I usually will "pass" one big blob in my period blood. Almost every period and usually right in the middle of it or near the end. I can even feel it coming out and know the difference between losing blood and the blob. I learned when I was a teen that you shed an egg during your period, but it was never really expanded upon, so the very first time I saw this blob during one of my periods I kinda freaked out and was in awe thinking, oh, this must be the egg I was told about! I don't remember how old I was when it first started happening, but it was sometime in my teens. I'm in my late 20s now, and all this time I thought this blob of blood was an egg. I feel like an idiot that I just now learned that the egg you shed is so tiny you'll never see it. It left me confused wondering what have I been "passing" all this time during my period? I don't have a whole bunch of small blobs during the course of my period, and it's not a jelly like, it has an oval form that is almost solid looking. So I never thought it was a blob of blood when it's more of a formed thing, aka in my uneducated brain, an egg. I never questioned it or brought it up all these years because I thought it was normal. I have just one almost every period, rarely do I have a period without it, though it has happened. Is this something I should be concerned about? Is it just a menstrual blood clot? It's rather large, usually bigger than a quarter.

Do any other women have this happen to them? Could you share your knowledge and experience about it with me? I want to know if I should be concerned and bring it up to a doctor.

I'm a little lost now having my thinking turned over and finding out I was wrong, and not to mention feeling silly that I never learned more about this. I wish things like this were more widely talked about amongst women, especially to teen girls.

Pleading for wisdom,

- Confused Girl